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    Five Nations Sign Declaration to Collaborate Against Disinformation

    Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

    Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, Romania, and Ukraine have jointly signed a declaration to combat disinformation, protect freedom of speech, and bolster media regulation in the face of ongoing challenges.

    Representatives from media regulatory bodies in Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, Romania, and Ukraine came together on October 4, 2023, during the Warsaw Summit Against Disinformation to sign a collective declaration. This document underscores the importance of cooperation and mutual support in combatting disinformation and multidimensional propaganda, recognizing the threats they pose to information security, sovereignty, and strategic interests.

    Maciej Świrski, Chairman of the National Broadcasting Council of Poland, emphasized that Russia employs professionally executed disinformation campaigns in Poland with three primary objectives: dividing society, fostering antipathy towards the country, and weakening Poland’s position within NATO.

    Olha Herasymiuk, Chairwoman of Ukraine’s National Broadcasting Council, highlighted Ukraine’s experience in countering Russian aggression as crucial in understanding the nature of Kremlin propaganda. She expressed hope that the declaration marks the beginning of professional cooperation in defense against disinformation.

    The signatory nations commit to safeguarding sovereignty, freedom of speech, responsible journalism, and citizens’ access to reliable information. They also pledge to educate citizens about disinformation and propaganda and adhere to EU directives on audiovisual media services.

    The declaration signifies a collective effort to analyze and curb the spread of multidimensional disinformation at national, regional, and international levels, strengthening the capacity to counter disinformation and information warfare, not only in Central and Eastern Europe but also throughout the continent.

    “Our joint actions must benefit all of Europe by promoting reliable information, protecting journalists, and upholding freedom of speech, without undermining our democracies,” reads the declaration.

    The signing of this declaration represents a significant step toward safeguarding democratic values and information integrity in the face of disinformation threats.

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