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Fuel Prices on the Rise: No Relief in Sight

Analysts from the website have forecasted further increases in fuel prices for the coming week, with no signs of a reversal in this unfavorable trend for drivers. The price for 95 octane gasoline is expected to range between 6.39-6.51 PLN/liter, while diesel is projected to cost between 6.63-6.75 PLN/liter.

Fuel experts have noted that retail fuel prices have once again “decisively moved upward” in recent days. Diesel has seen the most significant increase, with prices rising by 8 grosze from last week, bringing the average cost to 6.63 PLN per liter. The average price for 95 octane gasoline has risen by 6 grosze, currently at 6.42 PLN/liter. Meanwhile, the price of LPG has slightly decreased by 0.01 PLN over the past week, averaging 2.92 PLN in Poland, according to data.

Analysts have reported that the past week in the oil markets did not bring significant changes. However, political tensions in the Middle East are believed to support the rising crude oil prices. Expectations of a cut in interest rates in the USA also serve as a reason for high crude prices. “Some investors are counting on the monetary authorities in the States to decide on such a move at their next meeting, which would stimulate economic growth and could lead to a weakening of the US dollar,” experts indicated.

However, investors in the oil market are concerned about the strength of fuel demand. “A sign of weak demand for petroleum products was this week’s report on changes in crude oil and fuel inventory levels in the States, which noted a significant increase in oil reserves,” analysts recalled.

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