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Gdańsk Secures Fourth Place in European Cities’ Quality of Life Ranking

Gdańsk has been recognized as the fourth-best city to live in Europe, according to a report by the European Commission. The study, assessing satisfaction and well-being across 83 cities in 36 countries, revealed Gdańsk’s joint fourth position with a 95 percent satisfaction rating, tied with Leipzig, Stockholm, and Geneva. The top three cities were Zürich, Copenhagen, and Groningen.

Białystok, known for having Europe’s highest proportion of residents reporting an improvement in quality of life, emerged with a 62 percent satisfaction rate, securing the top spot in this category. Gdańsk closely followed at second place with 60 percent. Krakow and Warsaw also made it to the top 10, reflecting Poland’s positive growth trajectory.

Gdańsk, renowned for its architecture and green spaces, attracted immigrants, with 87 percent of residents viewing it as a welcoming place for newcomers. In contrast, Białystok ranked lower in immigrant friendliness at 54 percent. 

Environmental concerns were noted, highlighting Krakow’s poor air quality, while Białystok ranked among the top ten cities with better air quality. Białystok excelled in various categories, including being named one of the best cities for older people, ranking third for safety, and eighth for affordable housing.

The capital, Warsaw, featured in the top 10 for employment opportunities, where 66 percent believed it was easy to find a good job. The report concluded with Eurostat findings, indicating Poland’s second-highest level of life satisfaction in the EU.

To read the full report click here.

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