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Germany to End Patriot Missile Deployment in Poland by Summer 2023

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The German government has announced that, by June, it will have withdrawn its Patriot missile air-defence system from Poland, a spokesman for the German defence ministry confirmed on Friday.

A German military spokesman has revealed that the country is withdrawing its troops from Poland, citing a need for “optimal use of its limited military resources”, according to the Funke media group.

The Geramyn will pull its Patriot missile defence system out of Slovakia by the end of the year, according to a spokesman. Poland and Slovakia, both of which have Patriot systems, have been informed of the decision.

Poland welcomed the presence of German Patriot missiles in January following the crash of a Ukrainian surface-to-air missile on its soil in November.

Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmerman, the head of Germany’s defence committee, commented on the decision, stating that it was a necessary measure due to the lack of available supplies.
