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    Government Plans to Reduce Religion Classes in Polish Schools

    Poland to reduce school religion classes to one hour weekly from September 2025, sparking debate and controversy.

    Minister of Education Barbara Nowacka has announced a significant reduction in religious education in Polish schools, starting from September 1, 2025. Under the new directive, only one hour of religion will be taught weekly. Nowacka emphasized that these changes strike at the financial interests of the Church.

    Changes and Justifications

    Grades from religion and ethics will no longer count towards students’ GPAs, addressing perceived inequalities. Future regulations will allow inter-class grouping for religion lessons, optimizing resources and logistics.

    Nowacka acknowledged the complexity of these reforms, necessitating dialogue with all religious institutions. Despite criticisms from the Church, she insists on the necessity of separating Church and State, respecting the Concordat.

    Bishops argue that religious education is vital for intellectual, moral, and spiritual development. They warn that these changes undermine the foundation of personal relationships and societal values.Critics claim the government’s actions are anti-Christian, predicting an erosion of religious values and intellectual freedom. They call for parental awareness and resistance to safeguard Poland’s future.

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