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Laurus Poloniae 2023 – broadcast of the gala on TV Republika

Wonderful atmosphere, exceptional guests and unique Laurus Poloniae 2023 awards. Our portal’s first gala, at which outstanding individuals received awards in gratitude for their promotion of Poland and Polishness, will be broadcast on Tuesday, 2 May on Telewizja Republika.

On Thursday, 20 April, an exceptional gala of the Poland Daily 24 portal took place at the Olympic Centre in Warsaw, during which special awards – Laurus Poloniae 2023 – were handed out for the first time. 

The Poland Daily 24 portal awarded outstanding Poles who, by their behaviour and their person, stand up for Poland and everything concerning our country.

You will be able to watch the entire gala on Republic Television this coming Tuesday, 2 May at 9:10 pm (GMT +2). 

We wholeheartedly thank our main partners – PKN Orlen and Jastrzebska Spolka Weglowa, partners – KGHM Polska Miedz SA, PKO Bank Polski SA and Pekao SA, and media partners – Telewizja Republika, Polskie Radio24, Telewizja Polska, Radio Niepokalanow, Gazeta Polska, Gazeta Polska Codziennie and portal.

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