“The Military Police are searching our apartment, looking for parts of the Tupolev—the ones that Putin left for Tusk or those that deteriorated for years in the twin Tupolev while Anodina’s lies were being legitimized,” journalist Ewa Stankiewicz-Jorgensen wrote this morning on social media.
Zandarmeria wojskowa przeszukuje nasze mieszkanie sxukając części tupolewa te które Putin zostawił Tuskowi lub te które niszczały przez lata w bliźniaczym tupolewie kiedy uwiarygadniano kłamstwa Anodiny pic.twitter.com/EIryCp0Rue
— Ewa Stankiewicz – Jørgensen (@ewa_stankiewicz) March 7, 2025
Ewa Stankiewicz-Jorgensen is a journalist and filmmaker who has spent years investigating the Smolensk catastrophe. She is the author of films such as Solidarni 2010, Lista pasażerów (Passenger List), and Stan zagrożenia (State of Threat).
During the search of her apartment, the journalist connected with TV Republika. She reported that Military Police officers entered the apartment at approximately 6:00 AM.
“They searched all the rooms, including the storage unit. A search warrant was presented, and I was informed that they were looking for parts of the Tupolev. They have a list of about 20 parts they are searching for,”
she stated.
The investigation in this case is being led by Prosecutor Colonel Tomasz Mackiewicz, Director of the Military Affairs Department of the National Prosecutor’s Office. Colonel Mackiewicz heads the investigative team established in November 2024 within the National Prosecutor’s Office to examine irregularities in the functioning of the Smolensk subcommittee.
“They searched, found nothing, and now they are attempting to have the protocol signed,”
she recounted.
She suggested that the matter likely concerns the twin Tupolev, which was used to create a digital model and contributed to clarifying the causes of the April 10, 2010, catastrophe.
“These are staged and intimidating actions aimed at disciplining those who seek the truth, those who hold evidence of an explosion and a crime that took place. It is unbelievable that in a democratic state, one cannot hold accountable those responsible for the crime committed against the President of Poland and 95 key figures for the country’s sovereignty,”
she assessed.