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    Mural commemorating Polish Presidents in Exile in Swietochlowice

    On Thursday, 2 March, a ceremony will be held to unveil a mural inspired by the artwork that won 1st place in the nationwide competition ‘Mission: Free Poland.’ The mural was created at the Silesian Land Lovers Primary School No. 1 in Świętochłowice (Silesian Voivodeship). The competition was held as part of the educational campaign accompanying the project to bring the remains of three Polish Presidents in exile from England to Poland.

    The competition to create a graphic design for the mural was addressed to senior primary and secondary school pupils of all schools in Poland and to young people aged 11 to 18 in the case of Polish schools abroad.

    Creative youth

    The mural was based on an idea by eighth-grade students from a Świętochłowice primary school: Natalia Dudek and Zuzanna Jagiełło.

    “We are lucky that among the youngest inhabitants of Świętochłowice, there are many talented people who are the best ambassadors of our city. This is also possible thanks to the support they receive from their educators. I am extremely pleased that the talent and commitment of the schoolgirls were recognised by the competition committee. The girls’ work was recognised among 600 entries from all over the country for the ‘Mission: Free Poland’ campaign. An honourable mention in the competition was also given to the work submitted by pupils from the Gustaw Morcinek Primary School No. 17 in Świętochłowice. This shows the great potential of young people from Świętochłowice, who are more and more courageously reaching for laurels, proving that it is worthwhile to deepen their knowledge, develop their passions and thus successfully compete in school and extracurricular competitions,”

    Daniel Beger, President of the City of Świętochłowice, says.

    Polish Presidents’ remains brought to Poland in honor of 100th anniversary

    The existence of the Polish government and the activities of the Polish Presidents in exile gave Poles hope that their homeland would finally regain its freedom after the hard years of occupation and totalitarianism. The office was held successively by Władysław Raczkiewicz, August Zaleski, Stanisław Ostrowski, Edward Raczyński, Kazimierz Sabbat and Ryszard Kaczorowski.

    On 12 November 2022, the remains of the first three Presidents of the Republic of Poland in Exile were brought to Poland. They were buried in the newly created Mausoleum of the Presidents of the Republic of Poland in Exile at the Temple of Divine Providence in Warsaw. Right next to the Mausoleum, a Memorial Chamber dedicated to them was created. Bringing the remains of the Presidents of the Republic of Poland in Exile to Poland crowned the celebrations of the 100th anniversary of Poland’s regaining independence.

    “Mission: Free Poland”

    The project was under the National Patronage of the President of the Republic of Poland, Andrzej Duda, on the Centenary of Regaining Independence, and the Honorary Patronage of the Prime Minister, Mateusz Morawiecki.

    The Foundation “Aid to Poles in the East” in cooperation with the Chancellery of the Prime Minister, the Institute of National Remembrance, the Divine Providence Centre, the Ministry of National Defence, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Office of the “Niepodległa” Programme carried out the project. The information and education campaign “Mission: Free Poland” accompanied it.

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