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Orion Rising Over Babia Góra: NASA’s APOD Features Stunning Polish Astrophotography

Orion rises above Babia Góra in Włodzimierz Bubak’s APOD-winning photo, blending celestial wonders and a snowy Polish landscape.

Polish Photographer Honored by NASA
On December 28, 2024, NASA’s Astronomy Picture of the Day (APOD) spotlighted an extraordinary image captured by Włodzimierz Bubak. The photo, taken on the winter solstice night, depicts Orion rising above Babia Góra in Poland. Bubak’s work beautifully combines astronomical marvels and terrestrial scenery, showcasing hydrogen emission nebulae like Barnard’s Loop, M42, and the Rosette Nebula.

A Unique Perspective on the Night Sky
The foreground features a rustic shepherd’s hut in the Mędralowa Range, illuminated with a warm tourist lamp for contrast against the frigid winter night. Bubak’s skillful use of an astro-modified camera and an H-alpha filter reveals celestial details invisible to the naked eye.

Astrophotography: Science Meets Art
Bubak, a teacher from Jaworzno, has pursued photography for five years, emphasizing depth, perspective, and atmospheric conditions. He sees astrophotography as a bridge between science and art, inspiring others to explore the cosmos.

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