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PKN ORLEN ultra-fast charger for electric cars

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

PKN Orlen has launched the first ultra-fast charging station in its network with a capacity of 175 kW. The device charges the car from 10 to 80 per cent of its battery capacity in about 20 minutes. 

This is ⅔ faster than charging stations with a standard power of up to 50kW. Following the strategy, PKN Orlen is going to build other devices of this type into its network. By 2030, Orlen will have had at least 1,000 charging stations in Poland, including those with a power of 150-350 kW.

Convenience is the answer

Customers can already use the first ultra-fast charging station on the A1 motorway at RSA Machnacz Poludnie (Rest and Service Area – ed.), west of Wloclawek. The station can charge a battery with a capacity of over 70 kWh from 10 to 80 per cent in just over 20 minutes. The device from Ekoenergetyka-Polska is equipped with plugs compatible with all-electric car models available on the Polish market. 

Using the ORLEN Charge mobile application, it is possible to obtain information on the availability of connectors and monitor the current charging session.

Meeting customers’ needs

In Poland, Orlen Group has more than 300 stations with a capacity of up to 50 kW. In addition, it has as many as 160 units with a capacity of 50-150 kW. Expanding the offer with ultra-fast chargers is a response to the customers’ growing needs in the e-mobility market. The company considers the increasing popularity of e-cars and the growing potential of more models. Therefore, it has invested in innovative, high-powered charging stations.

The company will also update the price list for charging electric cars, as the entire market did before. The new prices will go into effect on 22 November this year. Details of the offer will soon be available on the website: and in the Orlen Charge application.

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