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PM Morawiecki advocates for stricter punishment for child abuse, including the death penalty

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

The Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki recently expressed his support for the death penalty during a press conference. He stated that he had instructed Zbigniew Ziobro, the Minister of Justice, to increase the penalties for those who commit cruel acts of abuse, referring to the case of Kamilek from Czestochowa, an 8-year-old boy who died due to the physical and psychological abuse inflicted upon him.

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Morawiecki criticized the failure of both individuals and institutions to protect children from such abuse and emphasized the need to be vigilant. He also called for changes to the criminal code, stating that the penalties for those who commit such heinous crimes should be significantly higher.

“We need to strengthen the criminal code,” he said. “Only a monster is capable of inflicting such harm on an innocent, defenseless child. The place for such criminals is not only in prison. I have expressed my opinion on this matter before. For crimes committed with such cruelty and premeditation, against such innocent victims, I am a supporter of the reintroduction of the death penalty.”

Minister of Labor and Social Policy Marlena Malag also called for changes to the criminal code, specifically Article 207, which deals with the physical and psychological abuse of a loved one. However, it is important to note that the death penalty is prohibited in Poland according to the European Convention on Human Rights and the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union.

The tragic death of Kamilek from Czestochowa has once again brought attention to the issue of child abuse and the need for stricter penalties for those who commit such crimes. Morawiecki’s call for the death penalty has sparked a heated debate in Poland, with some supporting his stance, while others strongly oppose it. Regardless of the outcome of this debate, it is crucial that measures be taken to protect the most vulnerable members of society from such heinous acts of cruelty.

The place of degenerates hurting the weakest is in prison. Punishment must be severe, dissuasive and proportionate to the offence! And children must be protected in a special way!
Penalties for the worst degenerates are far too low. What kind of a world is it that you go to jail for a shorter time for torturing a child than for fraud? That is why I am personally in favour of reintroducing the death penalty for the most violent criminals!
Let’s be clear: only a monster is capable of doing harm, and such terrible harm, to an innocent child! And children must be protected from monsters!
The place of such torturers is not only in prison, but for crimes committed with such cruelty, with such premeditation, I am personally in favour of the highest punishment – the death penalty.
We do not watch passively, we react immediately and improve the regulations that require it. Yesterday, the Sejm of the Republic of Poland passed an amendment to the Act on Counteracting Domestic Violence.
We want to definitely strengthen the operation of Article 207 of the Penal Code and I have also issued such an order to the Ministry of Justice.
Penalties are too weak today! The punishment should be definitely higher for such monsters who are able not only to destroy the life of another human being, destroy the life of a helpless child, but also to do it with calculation and premeditation.
Enough of callousness, enough of looking through the fingers at violence! The measure of our development as a society is the attitude towards children and the future we provide them!
I would like to thank Minister Marlena Maląg and Anna Schmidt from the Ministry of Family and Social Policy for preparing the amendment to the act.

wrote PM Morawiecki

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