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    PM Morawiecki at the 590 Congress: Poland must turn the geopolitical corner victoriously

    Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

    Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki was a guest at the 590 Congress, which is devoted to the issues of the Polish economy. As the head of government pointed out, we are currently dealing with great geopolitical changes in the world, so our country has to reinvent itself, so to speak. At the same time, the Prime Minister recalled that Poland has achieved record economic growth over the past eight years – despite pandemics and other crises.

    Security means sovereignty

    In the current geopolitical situation, particularly related to the war in Ukraine, security is a priority issue for our country. “Without the security of Poland’s borders, there is practically no security for the whole country, and therefore no sovereignty either,” Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki pointed out. “That’s why we are building today a state-of-the-art, very strong army – in the future maybe even the strongest land army in Europe.”, he explained.

    Strong Polish economy

    The foundation of security is also our economic development. Thanks to the well-conducted policy of the government, it will reach around 33% between 2015 and 2023. As the Prime Minister noted, Polish economic growth is also characterised by macroeconomic balance, which was underlined by the European Commission in its analyses.

    At the same time, Poland is recording record employment levels. According to Eurostat, in the first quarter of 2023, the number of employed people in our country – for the first time ever – exceeded 17 million. “As I talk to entrepreneurs, they signal shortages in the labour market,” – Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki stressed. “It is no longer unemployment, which was the nightmare of The Third Polish Republic, that is our main headache,” he added. It is now a matter of finding suitably qualified workers for the increasingly advanced sectors of the economy.

    Poland is an excellent place to invest

    The largest global companies are choosing Poland as a destination for their investments. This has a positive impact on the development and strengthening of our economy. It also means new jobs and opportunities for the local community. “Recent powerful investments: Microsoft, Google or the largest investment by Intel in the history of the Third Polish Republic.”, Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki recalled. “This is something that will incredibly enrich the technological fabric in Poland.”, he assessed.

    The 590 Congress

    The 590 Congress is an important economic event that has been held since 2016 under the patronage of the President of Poland. During dozens of panels, the most important topics concerning the economy, security, science, and culture are discussed. The name of the 590 Congress comes from the prefix of the barcode with which goods introduced to the market in Poland are marked. The slogan of this year’s event is ‘spaces of freedom’.

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