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    Poland Achieves Record-Low Unemployment Rate in May 2023

    The government spokesperson of Poland proudly announced today that the country has achieved its lowest unemployment rate in history, based on the data released by the Central Statistical Office (GUS) on Monday.

    According to the GUS report, Poland’s registered unemployment rate dropped by 0.1 percentage point to 5.1 percent at the end of May, marking a significant milestone in the country’s economic progress.

    During a press conference, government spokesperson Piotr Mueller expressed his satisfaction with the data and credited the success to the anti-crisis measures implemented by the government, particularly during the challenging period of the Covid pandemic. He emphasized that these measures have had a positive impact, resulting in an exceptionally low unemployment rate.

    Comparing Poland’s unemployment rate with other European Union countries, Mueller highlighted that according to Eurostat, the EU’s statistical office, Poland maintained a stable unemployment rate of 2.7 percent in April, remaining at the same level as March. This achievement places Poland, alongside the Czech Republic, as the countries with the lowest unemployment rates in the entire European Union.

    Mueller proudly stated, “We are leaders in this regard,” underscoring Poland’s outstanding performance in tackling unemployment.

    It’s important to note that the GUS report includes all registered unemployed individuals, regardless of whether they are actively seeking employment or not. In contrast, Eurostat only considers individuals who are actively searching for a job when calculating unemployment rates.

    The record-low unemployment rate in May 2023 is a significant milestone for Poland, indicating the effectiveness of the government’s anti-crisis strategies and highlighting the country’s position as a leader in combating unemployment within the European Union.

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