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    Poland Ranks Sixth in Europe for International Student Enrollment

    The latest report from Project Atlas, a research initiative focused on studying student mobility and academic migration, has revealed the standings of European countries when it comes to hosting international students. According to this report, Poland has secured the sixth position, with a significant number of foreign students pursuing higher education within its borders.

    United Kingdom, Netherlands, and France Lead the Way
    The United Kingdom, the Netherlands, and France emerge as the frontrunners in Europe, boasting the highest numbers of international students. In the UK, a remarkable 25% of all students are from abroad, while in the Netherlands and France, the figures stand at 14% and just over 13%, respectively.

    Dominant Nationalities Among International Students
    In the United Kingdom, Chinese students make up the largest group of international enrollees, constituting 22% of the total. In the Netherlands, Germans are the majority, accounting for 21%, while in France, former colony citizens, particularly from Morocco (12%) and Algeria (8%), lead the international student population.

    Poland’s Impressive Sixth Place
    Poland takes a commendable sixth position in the rankings, with over 7% of its students hailing from foreign countries. The majority among them are Ukrainians (55.8%), followed by Belarusians (13.9%), and citizens of Zimbabwe securing the third spot.

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