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Poland’s Unprecedented Investment in School Digitalization

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Poland’s Minister of Education and Science, Przemysław Czarnek, and Minister of Digitalization, Janusz Cieszyński, have unveiled a historic initiative to digitally transform Polish schools. With unparalleled funding, the government is equipping students and teachers with computer hardware, marking an unprecedented stride forward.

Massive Digital Leap

Minister Czarnek announced the “Laboratoria Przyszłości” (Future Laboratories) initiative, ensuring computer equipment distribution to all primary schools, including non-public ones. The cost approximates 1.2 billion PLN. Under “Nauka zdalna” (Remote Learning) and “Nauka zdalna plus” (Remote Learning Plus), the Ministry fulfilled local governments’ computer equipment requests, allocating hundreds of millions of PLN for seamless remote learning.

Minister Czarnek introduced “Laptop dla każdego czwartoklasisty” (Laptop for Every Fourth Grader) and “Laptop dla nauczyciela” (Laptop for Teachers). These initiatives provide unprecedented funds, enhancing digital skills and fostering literacy while ensuring fast internet connectivity for all schools.

Future Vision

Minister Czarnek emphasized an ongoing commitment to modernizing schools. According to new legislation, starting from 2023/2024, fourth-grade students in public and non-public primary schools will receive free laptops. Teachers will also receive vouchers for laptop purchases.

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