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    Polish President supports International Criminal Court’s arrest warrant for Putin

    Estimated reading time: 1 minute

    Andrzej Duda, the Polish president, has welcomed an arrest warrant for Vladimir Putin issued by the ICC, Duda’s chief aide has said.

    On Friday, the International Criminal Court (ICC) released an arrest warrant for the Russian president and Marya Lvova-Byelova, the country’s children’s ombudsman, for war crime accusations concerning unlawful expulsions of minors from Russian-occupied territories of Ukraine.

    “We are very satisfied with the ICC having made such a decision,” Marcin Przydacz said on Polish state-run Radio Three on Monday.

    On multiple occasions, President Przydacz has implored the International Criminal Court to investigate war crimes that Russia has allegedly committed in Ukraine.

    The presidential aide declared that trips abroad by Vladimir Putin and other Russian dignitaries will be limited due to the risk of Putin being arrested in any country that acknowledges the International Criminal Court’s authority.

    On March 3, 2022, a motion launched by Poland and other countries led to the International Criminal Court (ICC) commencing inquiries into war crimes allegedly committed in Ukraine by Russia.

    The ICC, based in The Hague, has been granted authority by more than 120 countries to take action against those accused of committing war crimes, genocide and crimes against humanity.


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