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    President Duda Affirms Robust Democracy in Poland as New Parliament Convenes

    In a recent address to the inaugural session of the freshly elected Polish parliament, President Andrzej Duda asserted that the state of democracy in the country has reached unprecedented strength.

    The Sejm, the lower house of the Polish parliament, reconvened on Monday following the general election held on October 15.

    President Duda remarked, “Democracy in Poland has never stood this strong. It is without doubt the strongest it’s been in all of our history.” He highlighted the remarkable 74-percent voter turnout, the highest recorded for a parliamentary election since 1919.

    Emphasizing the significance of differing opinions among the Polish populace, Duda underscored the paramount importance of resolving disputes through the electoral process. “The essence of democracy and the great success of recent years lie in the fact that, despite our disagreements, we settle our disputes at the ballot box,” he stated.

    According to the President, a key indicator of this democratic strength is the increasing voter participation observed year after year, signifying a renewed belief among the Polish people that their votes truly make a difference. Duda concluded, “This is demonstrated by the increasing attendance from year to year.


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