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Railway Direction Days: Marius Skuodis tested railway connection from Vilnius to Warsaw

Minister of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Lithuania tested railway connection from Vilnius to Warsaw because of the Railway Direction Days. In mid-December, after years of interruption, this railway connection was reactivated.

Minister Skuodis decided to come to Warsaw on a reactivated connection on January 18. His destination was the Railway Direction Days conference.

International Conference Railway Direction Days 2023 (RDD 2023) highlighted the benefits of transforming the transport infrastructure in Three Seas region into a modern, sustainable, resilient and fully integrated system. High Speed Railways have a pivotal role in this process by providing better connectivity, boosting economic development, and increasing security and resilience.

As we read on, the Minister claims that working in the train is very comfortable, and it saves time. However, as he immediately adds, the current travel time is only the first stage, and this year it is necessary to try to shorten this time to 8 hours – in cooperation with Poland.

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