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Rediscovering History: Kino Pionier 1907 in Szczecin

In the heart of Szczecin stands Kino Pionier 1907, one of the world’s oldest continuously operating cinemas. Originally known as “Helios” in 1907 and later as “Welt-Theater,” it officially commenced its screenings on September 26, 1909.

The cinema’s true origins came to light during the production of a documentary in 2009. Documents revealed its existence as early as 1907, under the management of Otto Blauert. Despite several name changes, the essence of cinematic experience remained intact.

Today, Kino Pionier 1907 boasts two screening halls: the grand “Red Hall” and the retro-themed “Kiniarnia.” Patrons enjoy films amidst cozy settings, complete with tables and a bar offering beverages and film magazines.

Renowned poet Konstanty Ildefons Gałczyński possibly immortalized Kino Pionier 1907 in his evocative poem "Małe kina" (Small Cinemas) in 1947, capturing the essence of these intimate cinematic spaces.
Najlepsze te małe kina
w rozterce i w udręce,
z krzesłami wyściełanymi
pluszem czerwonym jak serce.
najlepsze te małe kina,
gdzie wszystko się zapomina;
że to gospoda ubogich,
którym dzień spłynął źle.

by Konstanty Ildefons Gałczyński, 'Małe kina' (1947)

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