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    Research Vessel “Oceania” Saved Thanks to Media Attention

    Media intervention saved Poland’s research vessel “Oceania,” highlighting its national significance amidst financial challenges.

    The fate of Poland’s research vessel, “Oceania,” was uncertain until media coverage brought its dire situation to light. According to Professor Jan Marcin Węsławski, director of the Institute of Oceanology PAN, without media intervention, the ship could have quietly disappeared without anyone noticing. He highlighted the vessel’s significance as part of Poland’s state and international infrastructure.

    Ukraine’s Commitment vs. Poland’s Struggles

    In an interview with journalist Robert Mazurek, Węsławski referenced Ukraine, a country maintaining both a research vessel and an Antarctic station despite the financial strain caused by ongoing war. He questioned how Ukraine can afford to do so while Poland struggles to fund its own vital scientific assets.

    Hope from the Ministry

    Despite the financial challenges, there is hope on the horizon. Węsławski expressed trust in Minister Gdula, who pledged support but admitted funding limitations. Ultimately, funds for “Oceania” are expected to come from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education.

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