The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) has detained two Ukrainian citizens accused of working for Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB). Their mission involved locating bases where F-16 fighter jets, supplied to Ukraine by Western nations, and combat helicopters were stationed, the SBU announced on Tuesday.
The agents were caught red-handed during a special operation near one of Ukraine’s military airfields. According to the SBU, the two individuals were apprehended while photographing an F-16 taking off.
Recruited by a Female FSB Officer
The detained individuals, aged 22 and 21, are residents of the city of Kremenchuk in the Poltava region. They were reportedly recruited by a female FSB officer, who has since been identified by Ukrainian authorities, the statement revealed.
The suspects were tasked with gathering the coordinates of airfields and aviation infrastructure for potential Russian missile and drone strikes. However, their activities were uncovered at an early stage of their mission, preventing any significant harm.
The evidence collected during the investigation will be submitted to the prosecutor’s office. The detainees face charges of treason under martial law, which carries a penalty of life imprisonment along with the confiscation of their property.