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    SAD – seasonal affective disorder

    The idea to spend the winter in warm countries and avoid SAD (seasonal affective disorder) is getting more and more popular in Poland. Check the most popular destinations of Poles in winter time.

    Although more Poles tend to spend winter in the country, a type of depression called SAD influenced the behaviour of Polish people.

    For winter-pattern SAD, additional specific symptoms may include:
    oversleeping (hypersomnia), overeating, particularly with a craving for carbohydrates, weight gain, social withdrawal (feeling like “hibernating”), specific symptoms for summer-pattern SAD may include: Trouble sleeping (insomnia), poor appetite, leading to weight loss, restlessness and agitation, anxiety, and episodes of violent behavior

    According to examination conducted by, when Poles decide to go abroad, 4 out of 10 most often choose large cities, every third – mountains, and every fourth – a trip to the seaside.

    Among their favorite countries, Poles most often mention Spain (17% of responses) and Italy (14%).

    The top five most popular foreign winter destinations also include Austria (7%), Slovakia (6%) and the Czech Republic (6%).

    However, travel agencies in Poland offers various holiday packages and vacations to the exotic destinations such as the Maledive Islands, Madagascar or Thailand.

    Even if the exotic vacations are very tempting, some people trouble to afford them. Fortunately, special light boxes — also referred to as SAD lamps or light therapy lamps — are another option that can reduce symptoms and provide relief. They work by replicating natural daylight.

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