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    Signature Collection for #StopRaises Bill

    MP Kaczyński: “We start to collect signatures for the citizens’ bill #StopRaises in July. This will be a collection of signatures by MPs, both those participating in the current campaign and those who do not participate.”

    Minister Hennig-Kloska’s plan for significant price increases draws criticism from the opposition, who argue it will burden society and lower living standards. They advocate for a different approach, emphasizing the need for broader financial protection and rejecting the government’s proposed solution of vouchers.

    The PiS party, led by J. Kaczyński and Mariusz Błaszczak, rallies against the price hikes, accusing the current government of draining Polish households’ finances. They propose an alternative legislative initiative aimed at halting the increases, stressing the success of previous PiS-led measures in stabilizing prices.

    “Together with Mateusz Morawiecki, we announce the start of the collection of signatures for the #StopRaises campaign. In July, we will present a draft bill, and by then we want to collect 100,000. signatures as part of the citizens’ initiative.”

    said MP Michal Dworczyk in Wałbrzych.

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