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The Avian Clock: Understanding Birdsong Patterns Throughout the Day

Birdsong serves as nature’s alarm clock, signaling the start of each day with a symphony of chirps and melodies. Ornithologist and biologist Adam Zbyryt from the University of Białystok sheds light on the fascinating phenomenon known as the “avian clock.”

The Dawn Chorus:
Before the sun rises, the avian orchestra begins its performance. Species like blackbirds, song thrushes, and robins take center stage, showcasing their vitality to potential mates and rivals. Their early morning serenades are a testament to their resilience despite the challenges of cold and hunger.

Dependence on Light:
The timing of each species’ song is intricately linked to the light. Zbyryt explains that the earliest singers have large, black eyes, enabling them to navigate low-light conditions effectively. As the day brightens, additional species join the chorus, each adding their unique melodies to the dawn symphony.

Transition to Daylight:
As daylight floods the landscape, a diverse array of birds, including warblers, tits, and finches, join the ensemble. By around 8:00 AM, the chorus begins to fade as birds shift their focus to other activities such as foraging and nest-building.


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