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The first edition of the Health Ombudsmen Congress has been announced

The first edition of the Health Ombudsmen Congress has been announced, which will consist of two days of in-depth discussions on changes in healthcare and training for a wide range of stakeholders. The event will take place in Warsaw on April 18-19, 2023, and is being organized by the Health Ombudsmen Foundation and The congress aims to raise public awareness of healthcare issues and initiate a public debate involving a broad range of stakeholders.

The congress aims to raise public awareness of healthcare issues and initiate a public debate involving a broad range of stakeholders. The congress will cover a range of systemic issues related to healthcare, including the implementation of proposed reforms, healthcare financing, health inequalities, the introduction of a National Oncology Strategy, staffing challenges and worker compensation, prevention, and drug policy.

The organizers have invited representatives from the scientific community, public administration, the healthcare sector, and patient organizations to participate in the event. The congress seeks to bring together experts who prioritize patient welfare and an effectively functioning healthcare system to discuss and exchange experiences related to healthcare systems. The congress aims not only to encourage dialogue but also to develop concrete proposals for solutions that will improve the efficiency of the healthcare system and promote the development of health competencies in society.

The congress comes at a critical time when parliamentary elections, geopolitical instability in the region, and post-pandemic health debt make discussions about healthcare financing, citizen responsibility for their own health, and the future of the healthcare sector in Poland particularly important. The organizers have invited medical facility directors, experts, local government officials, patients from across the country, and local journalists to participate in the event.

In addition to panel discussions, practical workshops have been organized for patients and journalists. Participants can attend the congress in person or online, but registration is required, and places for in-person participation are limited. The registration form is available on the Health Ombudsmen Congress website:

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