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The Unforgettable Night at the Exclusive Telewizja Republika Gala

Telewizja Republika is proud to invite you to the gala event “Wartości I Wrażliwości” (English: “Values and Sensitivities”). This is already the second edition of this unique event, which aims to highlight the importance of fundamental values, empathy and care for the world around us. The Gala will take place on 14 September 2023 at 8 p.m. The entire event will be broadcast on TV Republika. You are warmly invited to watch! 

During the Gala, the “Wartości I Wrażliwości” Awards will be presented.

The Values Award is given for exceptional actions for the common good that contribute to the improvement of the quality of life, the environment, and the development of science and culture. The award honours individuals whose attitudes set an example for others and actively promote positive values in society. 

The Sensitivity Award, however, is given for exceptional empathy and caring. It is aimed at those who show special sensitivity to the needs of others and take action to help those in need. The award promotes an attitude of understanding and kindness and rewards personal commitment to social and environmental causes.

Last year, we had the pleasure of honouring with the Values and Sensitivity Awards, the Ambulans z Serca Foundation, beekeepers Rafał and Maciej Szela for setting up the Bee Bank and the company ENEA S.A.

This special evening will be honoured with a concert by one of the most popular Polish artists – Halina Frąckowiak. 

Once again we cordially invite you to take part in this unique celebration. Together, we can change the world for the better!

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