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    Zakharova has yet again attacked Poland

    A high-ranking Polish security official has asserted that the representative of the Russian foreign affairs ministry is disseminating a false story regarding Poland’s purported schemes concerning Ukraine.

    On Friday, Stanisław Żaryn utilized Twitter to draw attention to remarks made by Maria Zakharova, which he described as anti-Polish propaganda from the Kremlin.

    “Notorious for her aggressive outreach and spreading lies, the Spox for the Russian Foreign Ministry has yet again attacked Poland. This time, M. Zakharova amplified the Kremlin’s bogus narrative about Poland’s alleged plans to invade Ukraine,”

    Żaryn tweeted.

    Żaryn said Zakharova had based her statements on media reports suggesting Polish involvement in building a training centre in Ukraine, which she used as a starting point for a broadside against Poland.

    “Her blatant manipulation was based on media reports suggesting the involvement of the Polish entities in the construction of a training centre in Ukraine. According to Zakharova’s, the initiative reported by the media “drags Poland” into the conflict and constitutes a part of Warsaw’s vicious plan to feed its imperial hungers at the expense of Ukraine – a narrative constantly pushed by the Kremlin,”

    Żaryn wrote.

    He added that Zakharova, whom he described as “one of the most devoted mouthpieces of Russian propaganda” had falsely claimed that through assisting in the project, Poland sought to “increase its military presence in Ukraine” and that Warsaw aimed to “exert control over its south-eastern neighbour.”

    “On top of that she lied that the allegedly massive presence of “the Polish mercenaries” in Ukraine was a state-sanctioned preparation for the annexation of the country’s Western lands. Since the beginning of the Russian renewed attack on Ukraine, the Kremlin has been trying to destabilize the relations between Poland and Ukraine. To that end, it has been conducting a disinformation operation where Poland is falsely portrayed as threat to Ukraine,”

    Żaryn concluded.

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