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1.66 million foreigners with valid residency permits in Poland

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Valid residency permits are currently held by 1.66 million foreigners in Poland, the vast majority of them (1.36 million) being Ukrainians, data from the Office for Foreigners (UdSC) show.

After Ukrainians come Belarusians (66,200), Georgians (18,400), Russians (18,300), Germans (18,000), Indians (13,800) and Vietnamese (12,500), the UdSC’s press officer, Jakub Dudziak, told PAP.

Dudziak explained that the legal basis for most foreigners’ stay in Poland is temporary protection under an executive decision by the EU Council prompted by the mass influx of displaced Ukrainians.

He said this measure applied to 954,000 people, of whom 950,000 are citizens of Ukraine. He added that 90 percent of Ukrainians that have been issued a PESEL national ID number are women and children. 


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