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76 billion PLN went to companies

Over PLN 76 billion went to Polish companies and employees to secure and protect jobs. These are funds from various instruments: the anti-crisis shield, the financial shield and the assistance shield, Minister Marlena Maląg said today in Jaworzyna Śląska.

The Minister of Family and Labor during her stay in Lower Silesia (Dolny Śląsk) visited, among others, the “Karolina” Table Porcelain Factory in Jaworzyna Śląska. It is a company with 160 years of tradition. “This company, with Polish tradition, shows how to survive this difficult time. I would like to be the ambassador of <>, not only in Poland, but also in the world”, the Minister said. She added that in connection with the crisis caused by the coronavirus epidemic, the restrictions introduced in “Karolina” as regards employees are “inconsiderable”. The minister emphasized that for today over PLN 76 billion went to Polish companies and employees to secure and protect jobs. She added that the government wanted above all to create instruments that would allow the employers to reach for support money quickly.

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