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    Morawiecki: Poland is a house opened for all Belarusians, who need help

    Poland is a house opened for all Belarusian, who need help; the whole European Union supports the Belarusian’s nation, we will provide an economic plan for them – said Polish Prime Minister during the joint conference with the Belarusian Oppositionist Leader Svietlana Tsikhanouskaya on Wednesday.

    ‘Poland is a house opened for all Belarusians who need help. Under our program ‘In solidarity with Belarus,’ we help repressed people. We try to support the Belarusians’ communities which carry the freedom for Belarus and fight for a democratic, free and sovereign Belarus’ – said Polish Prime Minister. 


    He also added that Poland called for an extraordinary summit meeting of the European Council, after the presidential elections in Belarus, which provided a joint statement. ‘The whole European Union supports the Belarusian’s nation in its right of freedom of life, democracy and expressing its opinion’ – stressed Morawiecki.


    ‘We will provide an economic plan for the Belarusian’s nation for the whole country, which aims to present that Europe is open for Belarus, for Belarusians’ – announced Prime Minister. 


    ‘We admire the Belarusian’s nation for the courage, determination, fight for freedom and democracy. We also have such traditional fight ‘for our and your freedom’ and we want to convey them to you’ – said Prime Minister Morawiecki during the meeting with Svietlana Tsikhanouskaya on Wednesday. 


    On Wednesday, Polish Prime Minister takes part in the meeting with the Belarusian minority in Poland and Belarusian Oppositionist Leader Svietlana Tsikhanouskaya in the new headquarter of the Foundation ‘Belarusian House’ in Warsaw. 


    Morawiecki gave Tsikhanouskaya the symbolic keys to the new headquarter of the Foundation ‘Belarusian House’. ‘We wish all Belarusians to find their genuine and the greatest house in Belarus’ – emphasised. 


    ‘Belarusian’s nation needs new and fair presidential elections to choose the president who will provide an open policy with the nation and neighbours’ – said Svietlana Tsikhanouskaya in Warsaw on Wednesday. 


    ‘I am sure that after the new elections in Belarus, we will maintain good relations with the Polish government’ – added. She also thanked for the support for her and the Belarusian’s nation during the fight for the future. 

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