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    Polish court rules elections by absentee ballot from May 10th were illegal

    The Provincial Administrative Court in Warsaw has ruled that the decision of Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki to hold presidential elections by absentee ballot on May 10th was illegal. The government, however, disagrees with this decision. Government spokesperson Piotr Muller has announced that the court’s decision is being challenged.


    “Today, a decision was made by the provincial administrative court, which is not yet final, concerning the ordering of elections by the Polish post. We are surprised by this decision, because we believe that the Prime Minister’s decision was made in accordance with the law on the basis of a special bill, which was adopted by the Sejm. Even in today’s verbal justification, we have not seen any arguments that are obvious, for example how at that time the regulations on partial correspondence voting were in force. Therefore, people who wanted to register or were quarantined at the time already had the opportunity to exercise their right to vote by correspondence, and this element was secured by the Prime Minister’s decision. Therefore, we emphasize that this decision was made on the basis of the law, on the basis of the bill passed at that difficult time, and on the basis of the provisions of the Constitution which obliged to hold elections in May”, stated Piotr Mueller, the government’s spokesman. 

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