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Deputy Minister Maksymowicz resigned. Professor comes back to the medical profession – he will treat the infected

The Deputy Minister professor Wojciech Maksymowicz resigned. He informed that he comes back to his profession – doctor. He will work on the coronavirus’ ward at the Clinical University Hospital in Olsztyn. He appealed to others to tread in his footsteps.

Wojciech Maksymowicz informed about his resignation during Thursday’s press conference in the Polish Parliament. ‘I offered my resignation from my post as the Deputy Minister of Education and Science today’ – announced. 


He emphasised that ‘we managed to improve many issues’. Some projects are still in progress. He mentioned the draft amendment to biobanks and medical data for the science needs. 


He appealed also to other doctors, nurses and midwives, paramedics who – as he said – are not working in the healthcare system to come back to work in hospitals. ‘I believe that together we can overcome coronavirus’ pandemic as fast as it is possible’ – stressed professor Maksymowicz. 


Wojciech Maksymowicz is a Polish neurosurgeon. He was a Minister of Health from 1997 to 1999 and since 2019 he has been a member of the IX Polish Parliament. 

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