According to CBOS, February 2025 saw an increase in government approval ratings, reflected in both the growing percentage of its supporters and the rise in positive evaluations of its performance. As CBOS highlights, this marks a reversal of the trend observed in the January survey. At the same time, support for Prime Minister Donald Tusk and for the government’s current economic policy has slightly increased. However, as the report states, “this has not altered the overall assessment structure – in all dimensions, negative opinions still prevail.”
Majority of Poles Reject Tusk’s Leadership and Economic Policies
Despite desperate attempts by Donald Tusk’s government to spin the narrative, the reality remains unchanged: a majority of Poles remain dissatisfied with its leadership. While approval ratings have seen a slight uptick, only 36% of respondents support the government, and a staggering 51% still disapprove of Tusk’s performance as prime minister. The strongest backing for his administration comes almost exclusively from Civic Coalition (KO) voters, while a mere half of Third Way and Left supporters express support. Meanwhile, opposition to Tusk’s government remains overwhelming among Law and Justice (PiS) and Confederation voters, proving that the conservative base remains steadfast in rejecting his policies.
Economic concerns continue to haunt the government, with a majority of Poles (52%) believing its policies offer no hope for improving the country’s financial situation. Though the percentage of optimists has increased slightly, it remains at a meagre 37%—hardly a resounding endorsement of Tusk’s economic strategy. The data reveals a clear divide: left-leaning voters cling to support for Tusk, while conservatives and independents remain sceptical of his leadership and economic competence.
The CBOS survey was conducted between February 6 and 16, 2025, on a sample of 965 individuals, using the following methods: 61% via CAPI (Computer-Assisted Personal Interviewing), 20.5% via CATI (Computer-Assisted Telephone Interviewing), and 18.4% via CAWI (Computer-Assisted Web Interviewing).