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V4-Group meets to celebrate the 30th anniversary of end of communism

A summit of Prime Ministers of the Visegrad group and the chancellor of Germany, Angela Merkel, has taken place in the Slovak capital Bratislava. The reason for the summit was the 30th anniversary of political changes in Central Eastern Europe, which later led to the fall of the Berlin Wall and German reunification.

Trade exchange, economic cooperation, Brexit, this year’s European Parliament election and the future European budget are the main topics of the summit of representatives of the Visegrad group and the chancellor of Germany, Angela Merkel. The Visegrad group countries have annual trade with Germany worth 250 billion EURO. That’s a lot more than the amount of Berlin’s trade with countries such as China, France and the United States, so naturally there’s a lot to talk about. The summit touched on a subject of migration as well. The project to help the countries of North Africa (mostly Morocco) has been adopted. 4 Visegrad group countries along with Germany are supposed to work together help Morocco. Polish Prime Minister, Mateusz Morawiecki, emphasized that the United States and the European Union are the linchpin of safety and democracy and that we should bolster cooperation. The Summit in Bratislava took place on the commemoration of the 30th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall and the ground-breaking year 1989. The political changes in Central Eastern Europe led to the reunification of Germany.


The German Chancellor told the journalists that Germany is indebted to the countries of the Visegrad Group as Hungary helped Germany in 1968 while Poland and Czechoslovakia opened the door for East Germany in 1989. She  stressed that it was crucial for Germany to become a reunified country in the European Union and NATO.

Polish Prime Minister Matuesz Morawiecki underlined the importance of the events of 1989 and remarked that in that year, he stood in the same square in Hungary as Viktor Orban, with both men and boith countries fighting for freedom from communism.

The previous meeting of the Visegrad group with the chancellor of Germany, Angela Merkel, took place in 2016 in Warsaw. In two weeks, Visegrad group Prime Ministers will meet the Prime Minister of Israel in Israel, which will be the first summit taking place in a country that is not a part of the Visegrad group.

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