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    Half a century ago the reconstruction of the Royal Castle began. Prime Minister: A symbol for which Poles have been waiting

    The hope for the reconstruction of the Royal Castle in Warsaw and the reconstruction of Poland after the devastation of World War II has never been extinguished in Polish hearts – stressed the Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki during the celebrations marking the 50th anniversary of the commencement of work on the reconstruction of the royal residence. The Deputy Prime Minister Piotr Gliński, who was present at the event, pointed out that the Polish nation ‘had been waiting for its reconstruction ever since the Castle was destroyed, and wanted it’.

    On Tuesday, the Great Assembly Hall of the Royal Castle in Warsaw is the venue for the inauguration of the celebrations marking the 50th anniversary of the decision to rebuild the Royal Castle in Warsaw.


    ‘In the Polish hearts the hope for the reconstruction of the Royal Castle, for the reconstruction of Poland after the ruins of World War II, and finally for regaining independence, for regaining a free and sovereign Republic has never extinguished,’ said the Prime Minister.


    ‘The Royal Castle was such a place, such a symbol, for the reconstruction of which Poles were waiting. And its reconstruction we owe first of all to the Polish people, great people who did not let the Polish’s affair die and who treated the Royal Castle as a kind of symbol of this reconstruction’ – he added. 


    In a special commemorative diploma, President Andrzej Duda, who assumed honorary patronage over the jubilee, also addressed the participants of the ceremony. 


    ‘With recognition and gratitude to all the community workers, scholars, museum workers and builders involved in this work, to emphasize the special place that this building occupies in our history, which is one of the most important symbols of ‘Holy love of beloved homeland’, sovereign Polish statehood and the dramatic struggle to defend it,’ wrote the President. 


    He also stressed the care for material monuments of history and art, which is the former royal residence.


    ‘It was a decision of the state authorities of the time, but a decision that was embraced and empowered by Polish society and the Polish nation, which had been waiting for its reconstruction since the destruction of the Castle, wanted it and achieved it’ – said Deputy Prime Minister Gliński. 


    As he said, ‘this is also a moment to remember all those people who were most involved in that reconstruction at that time – prof. Lorentz, prof. Zachwatowicz, Bogusławski, Gieysztor’. ‘Thousands of people of Polish culture, thanks to whom the Royal Castle in Warsaw was rebuilt’ – he noted. 


    ‘The Royal Castle in Warsaw is the keystone of Polish identity, just like the Wawel Royal Castle, just like the Gniezno Cathedral, just like the Jasna Góra Monastery. It is a symbol of Polish statehood and the Polish community. I think that it is still a symbol and we are proud that it is developing so beautifully,’ said the Minister of Culture. 


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