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Today we celebrate the National Day of Life in Poland. Special words of Pope Francis

Today in Poland we celebrate the National Day of Life, established by parliament in 2004. Pope Francis addressed the Poles with a few words on this occasion. ‘Pray that sensitivity to the value of human life should be renewed throughout the world at every stage and in every condition,’ said Pope Francis.

By resolution of 27 August 2004 the Polish Parliament established the day of March 24 as the National Day of Life.


‘This day should be an opportunity for a national reflection on the responsibility of state authorities, society and the public to protect and build respect for human life, especially the smallest, the most vulnerable and those who are given the help of others. This day should also be a theme of social solidarity, an incentive for all measures to support and protect life’ – we read in the resolution adopted in 2004.


As the Episcopal Conference of Poland (KEP) points out, ‘The Catholic Church has always promoted life and emphasizes the value of the family’, as exampled by the words of Pope Francis.


‘Already in his first exhortation Evangelia Gaudium, he emphasized that ‘defence of appearing life is closely linked to the defence of any human right’ (n. 213). In the exhortation Amoris Laetitia, he encouraged all families to happily accept the gift of life, to make the family a place where every human life is surrounded by respect and love,’ we can read at the KEP’s website.


Today, Pope Francis referred to the National Day of Life celebrated in Poland during the general audience. He also recalled that the next day, on the solemnity of the Annunciation, the Church in Poland would celebrate the Day of Holiness of Life.


‘Through the intercession of Mary, Our Lady, pray that throughout the world, in consciences, in families, in the Church and society, sensitivity to the value of human life is renewed at every stage and in every condition’ – added Pope Francis. 


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