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Pyrzowice: There is the first patient

The first patient was taken on the night of Monday to Tuesday to the temporary hospital in Pyrzowice – the second such facility in the Silesian voivodeship launched at the beginning of this week. By 7 a.m., the hospital had admitted a total of 13 patients to COVID-19.

‘The first patient was brought after 1 a.m., up to 7 am a total of 13 people were admitted,’ said a spokeswoman for the Upper Silesian Medical Center in Katowice-Ochojec – patronage facility of the temporary hospital in Pyrzowice – Jolanta Wołkowicz.


The hospital in Pyrzowice was prepared last autumn by Węglokoks (Polish coal exporting company). Until now, there was no need to run it, but in the third wave of pandemics in the Silesian voivodeship places in hospitals are declining very quickly.


Over the weekend, 20 patients from the border with the Opole region were taken to hospitals there, and on Monday more patients were transported outside the voivodeship.


‘10 residents from the Katowice area were transported by ambulances of the Regional Ambulance service to a hospital in Chrzanów in Lesser Poland voivodeship. 15 places declared hospital in Zakopane. This cooperation between the voivodes is even more close. Other voivodes, from Łódź, Podlaskie or Lublin voivodships, also offered their help,’ said a spokeswoman for the Silesian Voivodeship Alina Kucharzewska.

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