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Śmigus – dyngus so the Wet Monday

Easter Monday is a merry day – everyone feasts and visits each other. This day is also called a śmigus-dyngus – boys walk around the houses and pour water or symbolically spray women with perfumes.

The second day of the holidays is also called a Wet Monday. Once the boys pour cold water from buckets on girls or throw them into the river, they will be ‘healthy like a fish’. Boys and men receive gifts – colourful, sweets, money.


Also, the colour of the Easter egg mattered: the green egg meant hope, red – he got the chosen heart, yellow – meant refusal and lack of hope for further joint plans and brown egg were given to older men. 


Easter Monday is also the day when children look for a bunny nest. The children believe that the bunny brings sweet gifts and leaves them in the nest. This custom arrived in Silesia from Germany after World War I and was well established there. In some homes, children are looking for a bunny the day before, which is Easter Sunday.

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