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    Poles read more and more!

    The National Library published a report on the state of readership in Poland in 2020. To the question asked for nearly three decades about reading in full or in part of at least one book in the 12 months preceding the survey, 42 percent respondents answered positively. This has been the best result for 6 years – it was written.

    The National Library indicated that this result “represents an increase of 3 percent per annum and 5 percent per two years.”

    “There are reasons for cautious optimism for now,” it noted.

    The report of the National Library shows that reading books is still more often and more willingly practiced on paper than in digital form.

    The main sources of obtaining books were: purchase (45 percent, increase by 4 percent), borrowing from a friend (32 percent, decrease by 3 percent), gift (34 percent, increase by 3 percent). The next items were: borrowing from libraries (23 percent) and own book collection (20 percent). There is a noticeable high percentage of readers using books available as streaming within a subscription fee (28 percent).

    The most frequently read is the so-called crime-sensation literature (24 percent), popular (20 percent), but also biographies, memories and historical books about the 20th century (19 percent).


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