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Students return to schools in Poland

After eight months in front of computer screens having lessons remotely, Polish students are finally able to return to their classes. For the time being, they will alternate between learning at school and at home. The ministry of education calls it a hybrid learning system and expects it to offer opportunities for the social integration of students.

The youngest students have been attending school for several weeks, while more senior pupils in primary and secondary schools will soon be able to sit at their desks again.

“In our case, these are the sixth and seventh grades, and the rest, fourth, eighth and fifth, will join next week. The point is for the eighth grade children to be able to prepare for their exams.” stated Danuta Kozakiewicz, the principal of primary school no. 103 in Warsaw. 

Students of the senior classes of primary and secondary schools have been learning remotely since October 26 last year. Being able to return in the last month of the school year will enable them, first of all, to rebuild relationships.

“I was very touched when I saw the students in front of school talking after such a long separation. The entrance to the school is still in accordance with the sanitary requirements, but they were already happy to finally see each other.” said another principal of a primary school. 

The hybrid system will be in effect for the next two weeks. From May 31 onwards, all students will return to school.

Students of junior primary schools have already been attending schools physically on a full-time basis since May 4. Primary schools are also obliged to organize childcare and educational activities for pupils in day-care centers.








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