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    Polish Deal promoted in Podlasie

    PiS (Law and Justice – ruling party) politicians from Podlasie – parliamentarians and voivode – started a campaign in Białystok to promote the assumptions of the Polish Deal, that is the new socio-economic program of the United Right. “This is a comprehensive approach to the vision of Poland’s development,” said the party leader in the region, Dariusz Piontkowski.

    The Polish Deal is a new socio-economic program for the post-pandemic period, endorsed by the parties forming the United Right (Zjednoczona Prawica – ruling coalition).

    In the Białystok Planty Park, these assumptions were told to journalists by PiS parliamentarians and the voivode and deputy voivode of Podlasie.

    The party leader in the region, Deputy Minister of Education and Science Dariusz Piontkowski, said that Polish Deal is about the perspective of many years of activities that “will make it possible to improve the lives of Poles, which will fulfill Poles’ ambitions and dreams of a better life, at a similar level as the so-called West “.

    “You can’t change everything in a week or a month,” he said, noting that some of the plans in the coming months will transfer into specific bills. He pointed to tax changes.

    “We attach great importance to the continuation of these social policy tasks, which have become a kind of brand of the PiS government,” added Piontkowski, mentioning the 500+ program among them.

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