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Miraculous Painting in Braniewo

The history of the Sanctuary is connected with the history of the Miraculous Painting – the Throne of Grace – which depicts God the Father holding in His outstretched arms the dead body of His Son stretched on the cross. Next to it are two kneeling and adoring angels, above also two angel heads, the moon, the sun, and the Holy Spirit.

In 1625, a local painter – probably named Messer – painted a picture of the Holy Trinity. This painting was hung on an oak tree on land that belonged to the Jesuits.


On July 9, 1626, during a Swedish invasion, three Swedish soldiers decided to amuse themselves by shooting at a painting of the Holy Trinity that was hanging on a nearby tree. When three bullets pierced the image, blood flowed from the holes. Information about the miracle immediately spread through the neighborhood. It also reached Prince Wladyslaw, later King of Poland, stationed in nearby Rogites.


At his request, the painting was taken to a Polish camp and then sent to Warsaw. The place where it used to be has become the destination of numerous pilgrimages and prayers of the faithful.


The painting returned to Braniewo and on 12 October 1672, it was ceremoniously brought to a new chapel built in the suburbs. Since then, many healings have taken place at the Miraculous Painting.


The site was frequently visited by pilgrims, so it was decided that the painting needed a more dignified setting. Hence the decision to expand the small chapel into a church.


In 1923, the German Redemptorists became the custodians of the Sanctuary and marked the beginning of a new period in its history. They built a monastery, the building of which refers by its character to the shape of the church in the shape of a cross, they renovated the temple and propagated the cult of the Miraculous Painting.


After 1945 the church was taken over by Polish Redemptorists. They rebuilt the destroyed monastery and restored the sanctuary. The organ, which had suffered greatly during the war, was restored. Repaired the dome damaged by missiles. 


It is one of the two churches in Braniewo that survived the Second World War, and all its altars, organs, pulpit, and other monuments have been preserved. Today, after years of repairs and maintenance, the sanctuary looks almost the same as it did two centuries ago. 


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