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It will be possible to keep the existing license plates and temporarily withdraw a passenger car from traffic

The Ministry of Infrastructure reports:

As of January 31, 2022, you will be able to keep your existing vehicle license number and temporarily withdraw your passenger car from traffic. The possibility to keep, at the owner’s request, the current registration number of the purchased vehicle and extension of the catalogue of vehicles temporarily withdrawn from traffic by passenger cars was introduced by the Act of 14 August 2020 amending the Act – the Road Traffic Law and certain other acts.

The deadline for implementing technical solutions enabling these facilitations for drivers and vehicle owners has been set in the announcements of the minister responsible for digitization, published in the Journal of Laws:




The fee for the most commonly issued car plates is 80 PLN, by keeping the current registration number you will not have to pay it, as well as you will not have to pay the fee for the inspection sticker on the front window – in total, together with the registration fee, it will give 99.50 PLN of savings.


The extension of the catalogue of temporarily withdrawn vehicles to include passenger cars will address the situation of damaged rather than temporarily unused cars. In case the car needs to be repaired (e.g., after an accident) as a result of damage to essential supporting structural elements, it will be possible to withdraw the vehicle from traffic for a period of 3 to 12 months, and not earlier than after 3 years from the date of the previous withdrawal. Reinstatement of a vehicle will involve an additional technical inspection after repair. This change will allow the owner of a repaired and temporarily out of service car to reduce the cost of vehicle insurance.

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