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Traditional dish from the Małopolska region – the Cracovian duck

Duck is an exceptionally delicious and healthy meal. History knows several old Polish recipes for duck meat. One of them is a traditional dish from the Małopolska region – the Cracovian duck.



– 2kg of duck  

– tbsp of marjoram 

– 200g of diced bacon 

– onions cut into large cubes

– 300g of cooked buckwheat groats 

– 350g of frozen bolete mushrooms 

– a bunch of chopped parsley

– 2 tbsp of colza oil

– 3 tbsp of honeydew honey 

– juice from 1 lemon

– 50g of butter 

– 150g of cranberry for meat and cheese 

– salt, pepper




1. Wash the whole duck thoroughly and then dry. Rub it with spices such as marjoram, salt, and pepper. While it may seem amazing, sometimes it’s the simplest solutions that turn out to be the best. Leave the duck prepared this way for an hour.


2. Fry the bacon in the pan, add the onion and sliced mushrooms. 


3. Stew until the water evaporates and then put it into a large bowl. Add buckwheat groats and parsley, stir and set aside to cool.


3. Fill the duck with the stuffing, put it in a roasting pan, and spread with oil.


4. Place in an oven preheated to 160°C and bake for 2 hours – but remember the time depends on the size of the duck. 


5. At the end of roasting, increase the temperature to 180°C. When the skin begins to roast, spread the duck with honey mixed with lemon juice and butter.


4. Serve the roasted duck on a trencher. Slice it only in front of the guests, just before putting it on the plates. Serve with cranberry.


Enjoy! ?

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