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Poles like remote work

Six out of ten Poles expect to work remotely or hybrid, i.e., partially from home once the pandemic is over. As many as 93 per cent of IT professionals count on flexible work arrangements – we read in “Rzeczpospolita”.

The article reminds that “while before the pandemic, almost eight out of ten Polish employees regularly performed their work duties at the company’s headquarters, and only one in ten had the option to work from home, the percentage of remote workers has tripled to almost 30 per cent during the coronavirus.”


“An even larger, 63% group would like to keep the possibility of remote work, preferably for one or two days a week – according to a survey commissioned by Euro-net (the owner of RTV Euro AGD),” we read in “Rz”.


It was pointed out that only 13 per cent of the survey participants would like to work exclusively in an office once the pandemic is over.


“The prevalence of supporters of flexible working is even greater if we also include the 13 per cent group who would like to work from home a few days a month,” they wrote, adding that “this means that already 76 per cent of Poles expect to be able to work outside the office”.


 It was noted that “an even higher percentage of remote work amateurs are in the IT industry.”  


“A study by consulting firm DataArt, made available to +Rzeczpospolita+, shows that only 7 per cent of Polish IT professionals are ready for stationary work, while as many as 93 per cent would like to perform their duties remotely or hybrid after the Covid-19 pandemic ends.  What’s more, as many as 64 per cent of people in this group say they would look for a new employer if the current one required mostly office-based work,” the article indicates.


They cited the assessment of DataArt’s Wroclaw office president Ryszard Permus, who says that “the pandemic-enforced shift to remote working has had a mostly positive or neutral impact on job satisfaction.”


“IT workers don’t see the point of going back to offices because they feel comfortable in their current work mode. Of those who report the highest overall job satisfaction, 44 per cent work remotely and 43 per cent work hybrid,” Permus was quoted.


As explained, “for more than a year, not only companies but also us employees have learned to work remotely.”


According to the survey, the most commonly cited benefit of remote working is time savings with no commute, as well as flexibility. According to the RTV Euro AGD survey, remote workers – apart from lack of commuting – also appreciate the freedom of organizing their work time, the possibility to dress informally and work in their home environment, which reduces stress,” it was said.


It was noted that “since spring 2020, employees have become accustomed to working from home (home office) and are more likely to appreciate its benefits.


“While in the spring of 2020, 6 per cent of participants in the RTV Euro AGD survey said that it had no pluses, this year the share of such opinions has decreased to 2 per cent. At the same time, the group of employees who appreciate the freedom to organize their working time has increased (from 59 to 66 per cent),” it was written.


It was noted that “more people (26 per cent vs. 23 per cent last year) also say remote work is more productive.”


In addition, “remote workers also recognize the disadvantages of the home office.” “Most often (40 per cent of respondents), they complain about blurred boundaries between private and professional life and fewer opportunities for informal communication with co-workers,” the article says.


As explained, “the list of disadvantages of remote work also includes difficulty in concentrating, which is often related to noise at home, as well as poorer technical equipment, although most respondents have invested in additional equipment – mainly laptops (61 per cent), headphones (54 per cent) and a printer (28 per cent).”

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