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100 applications to the competition for startups within the European Future Forum

The InSilesia – Investment SFR Competition received as many as 100 entries. The competition for startups is a joint initiative of the Silesian Development Fund and the famous Silicon Valley (Dolina Krzemowa) accelerator Plug and Play. The final of the competition will be held on October 7 at the Silesian Stadium – on the second day of the European Future Forum. As much as PLN 150 thousand is waiting in the prize pool.

From among the submitted startups, the organizer and the partner of the competition will choose 20, which together with representatives of Plug and Play will work on speeches during the final “pitching session”, which will be held on October 7th during the European Future Forum at the Silesian Stadium. During the final, the participants will present their solutions before the jury and the audience. The jury composed of representatives of Plug and Play and the Silesian Development Fund will choose from among the finalists the winner and two prize-winners, who will be awarded in turn PLN 100 thousand, 30 thousand, and 20 thousand.


The organizers of the competition for start-ups accompanying the European Future Forum are aiming at innovative products, services, and processes that will find application in regions implementing economic transformation processes and in post-industrial regions.


“The competition has an international character: it aims to transfer technologies to Silesia and to internationalize Silesian technologies in the world. Simply participating in the competition creates opportunities for startups to grow, scale their business, and build brand recognition on the international stage. And, of course, the chance to implement your own ideas through active networking with investors present at the Silesian Stadium during the European Future Forum,” says Benjamin Kloss, director of Plug and Play Austria.


The Vienna branch of the accelerator is the closest to Poland, while others, apart from the Silicon Valley, are located, among others, in Tokyo, Shanghai, Paris, São Paulo, and Johannesburg. Plug and Play is one of the first investors to believe in PayPal, Dropbox, N26, or BigID.

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