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The University of Warsaw has established a research station in Cyprus

Conducting scientific research – mainly archaeological – in Cyprus, strengthening cooperation with other scientists and archaeological expeditions working on this island – these are just some of the goals of the newly established research station of the Center of Mediterranean Archeology of the University of Warsaw, established in Cyprus.

The Center expedition has been working in one of the ancient capitals of Cyprus in Nea Paphos since 1965.

“The history of Polish research in Cyprus is very long and fruitful. After talks with the Cypriot side, we concluded that the prospects for the future are equally far-reaching. Therefore, it is worth institutionalizing this cooperation by establishing a permanent center of CMA UW in Nea Paphos. Its presence and support will improve the work of the researchers coming there, as has been happening for many years at our Research Station in Cairo,” said the director of CMA UW, dr. hab. Artur Obłuski.

He expressed his hope that thanks to the research station it would be easier to initiate joint Cypriot-Polish projects and to implement them more effectively.

It has been emphasized that the discoveries of Poles not only contributed a lot to the knowledge of the ancient culture, art, and history of Cyprus and the entire Mediterranean world but also contributed to the development of the city as one of the greatest tourist attractions in Cyprus.


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