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10th European Forum for New Ideas (EFNI)

Rebuilding Europe after a pandemic crisis, the European Green Deal, cooperation in the Weimar Triangle, and the development of digitalisation are among the main themes of the 10th European Year of Citizens. European Forum for New Ideas.

EFNI is one of the most important conferences in the region dedicated to global trends, new ideas, and the future of Europe. This year’s edition (20th October 2021), apart from being an anniversary one, will be special also because it will be held live again.


The theme of EFNI 2021 will be a reconstruction – in the economic, social, and international context. The Sopot forum will also be the meeting place of the economic Weimar Triangle, with the participation of representatives of German (BDI) and French (MEDEF) federations, companies, and administration.


Organizers: Lewiatan Confederation, BusinessEurope, and the City of Sopot.

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