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    The 9th Grand Tour to Hungary

    Registration is underway for this year’s “Great Tour to Hungary” which is on October 21-24. We invite all Poles and patriotic organizations to join. Let your friends and acquaintances know!

    On October 21, “Gazeta Polska” Clubs will set off to Budapest to commemorate the Hungarian uprising of 1956. As previously arranged, participants will travel by a specially hired PKP Intercity train with seats and sleeping cars (the seats in the sleeping cars have already been bought out).


    We leave on October 21 from Warsaw Central Station and Krakow. Participants will arrive in Budapest on the morning of October 22. From the station, they will be taken by buses to the hotels. On Hungary’s national holiday, October 23, they will participate in the Peace March.  The stay in Budapest lasts two nights (October 22-24).

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