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“Gazeta Polska” Clubs will visit Hungary again. They will celebrate the anniversary of the anti-communist revolution

Members of the Clubs of Gazeta Polska are going to Budapest today to commemorate the Hungarian Uprising. This time, however, their departure will also have a symbolic meaning.

After World War II, the Soviet occupation of Hungary and the rule of the Communists was extremely brutal, and the country’s economic situation became increasingly difficult. After the events of Poznań’s June, Wladyslaw Gomułka became the First Secretary of the PZPR, who at that time still had the reputation of a moderate socialist and reformer. The fact that his seizure of power without Moscow’s approval did not result in Soviet military intervention gave many Hungarians hope that the situation would be repeated in Hungary as well. However, this did not happen.


On the evening of October 23, a crowd of dissatisfied Hungarians began to gather at the monument to Joseph Bem in Budapest. At other points in the city, in front of Parliament and state radio headquarters, other demonstrations gathered and eventually merged into one. When agents of State Security arrested a delegation of protesters and opened fire on them, the peaceful demonstration turned into an uprising. Its participants occupied military warehouses and seized weapons, beginning the fight for freedom.


Initially, the uprising was a great success. On the same day, reformist politician Imre Nagi became Prime Minister again and called for calm and refraining from fighting Soviet soldiers summoned by the Communists to Budapest. There were shootouts with the security, but most Hungarian soldiers did not want to take part in the pacification. The fighting ended in late October. On November 1, Nagy announced that Hungary was leaving the Warsaw Pact. Many political prisoners were also released and political parties banned by the communists resumed their activities.


Hungary’s freedom did not last long, however. As early as November 4, the Soviets launched an armed intervention. The Hungarians fought heroically, but in the absence of support from the U.S. and other Western countries, they did not stand a chance, and by November 11, the fighting had practically ceased. The Soviets killed 2,500-3,000 Hungarians then. After the uprising, 22,000 people were imprisoned, several hundred faced firing squads and hundreds of thousands were forced to flee the country. However, according to historians and political scientists, the uprising itself was a great success outside of Hungary – according to many, it showed the world the true face of communist regimes and significantly reduced the popularity of this terrible ideology.



Members of GP Clubs have already visited Hungary nine times. The tenth trip will be the largest joint trip since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic. For safety reasons, only those who have been vaccinated or have current tests will participate. The club members will arrive in Hungary on Friday morning after an overnight train journey. On the same day, after the welcoming ceremony, representatives of the Polish and Hungarian governments, and patriotic organizations from both countries will lay flowers at the monument to General Bem. Afterwards, club members will place bouquets at the Katyn Monument.


Director of GP Clubs Ewa Wójcik noted in a conversation with Niezależna. pl, that with every subsequent trip to Hungary more and more Poles take part in it. She stressed that one does not have to be a member of the GP clubs to take part in it. 


“Our Hungarian friends always emphasize that they thank “Gazeta Polska” Clubs for organizing the Great Trip to Hungary and to thank us they are also coming to Poland on November 11, to Krakow,” she noted.

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